These are the best bookstores on the Long Beach, Washington Peninsula. The Olde Trading Post is located in downtown Ilwaco, WA. Time Enough Books is located at the Port of Ilwaco, Washington, and Banana Books is in downtown Long Beach, WA.
Books Stores Long Beach Washington Coast
Top Bookstores in Long Beach, WA

Time Enough Books
157 Howerton Way SE
Ilwaco, WA
Phone: 360.642.7667
Time Enough Books is an independently-owned bookstore on the Southwest Washington coast. They sell new and used books, gifts, toys & games. So relax by the fireplace, watch the harbor activity & browse their selection of books—open daily, year-round.
Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center Book & Gift Store
244 Robert Gray Dr.
Ilwaco, WA
WA Phone: 360.642.4144
Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center Book & Gift Store is located in Cape Disappointment State Park in Ilwaco, WA. This store has unique and eclectic gifts, captivating books about the local history, Cape Disappointment State Park lighthouses, and local cultures. Plus, the Interpretive Center has stunning world-class ocean views! The Center is listed in our Top Museums on the Long Beach Peninsula. The Discover Pass is required.

Old Towne Trading Post
300 First Avenue North
Downtown Ilwaco
Stop by the Old Towne Trading Post to read a book (a small selection of used books are for sale), sip a cup of coffee, eat breakfast, or buy some beer crafting materials.