A birder's paradise, the Long Beach Peninsula hosts some 300,000 migratory birds annually. The peninsula is home to a broad range of habitats that support over 300 species of birds thanks to its distinctive coastal location. Visitors can see diverse birds in their native habitats, from bald eagles and great blue herons to snowy plovers and sandpipers. The peninsula provides a variety of fun activities in addition to birdwatching, such as hiking, biking, beachcombing, and clam digging. Check out the top things to do in the Long Beach Peninsula to make the most of your trip. Robbie Wright, the owner of Bloomer Estates Vacation Rentals, an avid bird enthusiast and photographer, has taken all photos featured in this guide. (updated:Feb23)
Long Beach Washington Birdlife
A birdwatchers paradise in Long Beach Washington State

2/24/2022 Bald Eagle, Ocean Park, Washington

2/24/2022 Juvenile Bald Eagle in Flight

06/07/2021 Osprey Downtown Long Beach WA

2/9/2022 Cooper's Hawk Seaview WA

2/23/2022 Canadian Geese Ledbetter State Park

7/7/21 Peregrine Falcon Cape Disappointment State Park

6/14/2021 White Pelican Youngs Bay Oregon

7/31/2020 Brown Pelican Long Beach WA

10/7/21 Great Blue Heron. Parpala Road, Naselle, WA.

10/5/21 Great White Heron Willapa Bay, WA

April 16. 2021 South Bend, WA
Female Red-winged Blackbird

4/16/2021 Red Winged Blackbird South Bend WA

April 16. 2021 Willapa Bay, Long Beach Peninsula
Rufous Hummingbird

6/7/21 Barn Swallows Willapa Natoinal Wildlife Refuge

5/11/2021 Savannah Sparrow Willapa Bay

April 16. 2021 Willapa Bay, Long Beach WA
White-Crowned Sparrow

9/30/2021 Male Downy Woodpecker, Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

3/9/2022 King Fisher Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

2/12/2022 Common Merganser Female Astoria Oregon

4/19/2022 American Coot, Astoria Oregon

10/23/2022 American Wigeon Male Astoria Oregon

10/23/2022 American Wigeon Female (right). Astoria Oregon

2/12/22 Bufflehead Cape Disappointment State Park

4/19/2020 Greater Scaup, Astoria Oregon

10/23/21 Mallard Male, Astoria Oregon

10/23/21 Mallard Female, Astoria Oregon

1/24/2022 Western Sandpiper, Ocean Park, WA

4/14/2022 Greater Yellow Legs, Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

3/9/2022 Killdeer, Parpala Road, Naselle WA

2/24/2022 Semipalmated Plover Ocean Park WA

3/7/2022 Eurasian Collared Dove, Parpala Road, Naselle WA

6/7/21 Cedar Waxwing Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

4/16/2021 Black-capped Chickadee Willapa Bay Long Beach WA

2/22/2022 Varied Thrush, Ledbetter State Park

3/23/2022 Cormorants Willapa Wildlife Refuge

3/23/22 Ringed Neck Pheasant, Long Beach WA

10/8/2019 American Robin, Long Beach WA


3/6/2022 American Crow, Long Beach WA

3/23/2022 Stellar Jay. Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

10/22/2021 coopers hawk? Willapa National Wildlife Refuge

4/19/2020 Starling, Astoria Oregon